If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.




Nai Asha (New Hope) — Our partner runs a Safe House for girls who are under 18 and are survivors of sex trafficking. Working alongside the current government and police, Nai Asha brings awareness of sex trafficking, advocacy to fight against it & restoration to the survivors in Northern India. As of 2019, we have seen 156 young women go through the program. 1 Together offers support for projects that develop self-sustainability for the program and for the survivors as they graduate and continue their education or skills training to become independent women. 1 Together offers relationship and resources that equip against burn-out and increases healthy growth of the staff.

Jan Pragati (Bridge to Progress) — Jan Pragati exists to bring education and skills training to children and women in the slums of Northern India. Daily schools for over 500 children is provided in five slums. Throughout the week, the team also runs a Women’s Empowerment program that teaches women skills (such as sewing)/personal hygiene/family care, as well as math and reading in English and Hindi. This women’s empowerment program affects the whole family greatly and we have seen many of the husbands support their wives learning and growing. In 2019 JP launched it’s first Men’s Empowerment program as the men also want to learn what their wives are learning and talk about issues regarding men. 1 Together supports the Schools, Women’s Empowerment Program as well as supporting a Safe Haven, a home for those who are pregnant that need a safe place to birth their babies.

Rural College — 1 Together partners with a school that builds college age students in their depth of engagement with God and equips them in helping others to make social changes in their communities. Every country is only as good as the next generation standing up, advocating for change that moves people from the inside out in lasting transformation that has a ripple effect. 1T offers scholarships for students through the 3 years they are in school.